Delaware LLC Operating Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

A Delaware LLC operating agreement helps all members of an LLC understand their individual responsibilities. Without this document, there could be confusion about who's in charge of certain things, such as signing contracts or training new hires. Though an operating agreement isn't required, it's recommended that you create one when you're setting up your LLC.

What Is an Operating Agreement?

The articles of origination is a document that lists the company's basic information, but the LLC operating agreement actually outlines the company's structure.

Individuals setting up a Delaware LLC can use this document to state who is responsible for what duties, how profits and losses are handled, how your LLC will change owners, and more. Drafting an operating agreement is important because you and the other LLC members can refer to it if you ever run into issues with how the business should be run or organized.

Though you'll want to include information about how your LLC will handle a range of scenarios, you and the other members with whom you create and sign this contract can add any rules and requirements that you wish in the operating agreement. Once the document is completed, you'll need to have all members sign it. You can then have it authenticated by a Delaware notary public.

When Should I Create an Operating Agreement?

Though it's difficult to imagine changing owners or dissolving your business when you're just setting up your LLC, you need to officially articulate how your enterprise will handle these types of situations. This should be done before you're open for business to avoid arguments about who's in charge of what responsibilities after your LLC is already running.

However, the operating agreement can be amended or changed. This is done by a unanimous vote from the LLC members, though you can also include in the agreement how many members need to consent to a change to add it.

If you didn't form an operating agreement before starting an LLC, you can create one at any point in the company's lifetime. Here are a few other tips for creating a Delaware LLC operating agreement:

Types of LLC Operating Agreements

You'll need to prepare a certain type of operating agreement based on your LLC structure. These are the types available:

If you need help with Delaware LLC operating agreements, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.