Weissman Center for International Business

The Baruch Study Abroad Office encourages you to take every opportunity to travel abroad and explore the world, because any time you do, you will meet new people and learn something about their traditions and culture. Any such experience will enrich your life.

Writing in a different era, the cultural historian Miriam Beard once described travel as “more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” What Beard then considered the real meaning of travel more properly describes the aims of study abroad today. At its heart, studying abroad will challenge you to think about yourself and the world around you in new ways, and will result in a “deep and permanent” change to your “ideas of living.” By studying abroad, you will not only meet new people, travel to foreign lands, learn about other cultures and ways of life, you will do so in a more sustained and profound way. Thus, while travel abroad and study abroad (seen as part of a broader conception of global, or international education) are colloquially often used interchangeably (and of course, all study abroad involves travel), it is nonetheless important to underline what we consider distinctive about study abroad.

Study abroad contains an indispensable academic component that travel alone does not. By attending courses at institutions of higher learning abroad, you will acquire the strictly disciplinary knowledge you need, though taking courses abroad may give you a fresh perspective on the subject. In addition, through the sustained contact you have with other students and faculty at the host institution and with members of the host community, you will develop or enhance a range of intercultural skills and deepen your understanding of the host culture beyond the academy.

Please keep this distinction between travel and study abroad in mind when considering your options for study abroad.

Talk to other students at the Study Abroad Fair

The Study Abroad Office can sometimes put you in touch with past students who have studied abroad and are willing to talk to you about their experiences on particular programs. For the most part, these are students who participated on Baruch exchanges. Contact the Study Abroad Office for more information.

However, the best way to speak to students about their study abroad experiences is to attend the Study Abroad Fair. The Study Abroad Office hosts a Study Abroad Fair every September and February. There you have the opportunity to speak with sponsors of Study Abroad Programs and to speak to dozens of past participants and exchanges students from our partner universities who are currently at Baruch. See News & Events section for exact dates and locations of the next Study Abroad Fair.

Please keep in mind the deadlines to submit your Baruch Application to Study Abroad:

October 1 For programs during the January Intersession or Spring Semester
March 15 For programs during the Summer Session, Fall Semester or Academic Year

Continue planning your journey by learning more about:

If you have completed the Plan section, learn more about your study abroad options